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1 Translation result for engage in Spanish


engage verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
engaged, has engaged, is engaging, engages
captar, atraer, llamar; participar; engranar; comprometer; contratar; entablar combate con (un enemigo)

Example sentences of
engage verb

  • He was engaged as a tutor.
  • He sure can engage an audience.
  • The story engaged my interest.
  • The troops prepared to engage the enemy.
  • The troops prepared to engage with the enemy.

Detailed synonyms for engage verb

See: Hire

Reverse translation for engage

captar  - to catch, to grasp, to gain, to attract, to harness, to collect (waters) 
atraer  - to attract 
llamar  - to name, to call, to call, to summon, to phone, to call up 
participar  - to announce, to notify, to participate, to take part 
engranar  - to mesh, to engage, to mesh gears 
comprometer  - to compromise, to jeopardize, to commit, to put under obligation 
contratar  - to contract for, to hire, to engage 
entablar combate con  (un enemigo)